Hi, me again.
Significant improvement over the last song(s). It's actually SOUNDS like music. There's melody, no random panning crap.
BUT. Way too much limiter, the instruments don't blend together, and some points there's way too much bass.. That comes with practice, practice and more practice.
Now that I covered the technical problems, the song itself still sounds very strange and uncomfortable to listen to. But now all you gotta do is to practice a lot and possibly get feedback (ratings/comments) if you think it sounds great.
Another thing, to test if it really sounds good to you, finish the song, then wait for at least a day (if you've worked for it for couple weeks, wait for a week), don't listen to the song during that time until you've passed a day/week, then listen to it again. Before and after compare it to some music that you like, preferably from the same genre, and progressively you'll find the mistakes you made.
Hope this helps!